What are zoning restrictions in the city?
Click the following link for information relating to zoning codes and restrictions. City of Alvord Subdivision Regs, Alvord Zoning Map
Click the following link for information relating to zoning codes and restrictions. City of Alvord Subdivision Regs, Alvord Zoning Map
Click the following links for information relating to municipal codes. https://alvordtx.gov/ordinances/ https://alvordtx.gov/departments/permits/ Or, come by city hall to obtain copies / information.
Questions regarding new businesses can be answered by contacting Alvord City Hall at (940) 427-5916. Application for a Certificate of Occupancy can be obtained at City Hall. The cost is $200. You may also contact the Alvord Economic Development Corp. https://www.facebook.com/AlvordEdc/ If you’re looking for zoning information and maps, click the following links. COA Subdivision … Continued