
Pickup day is Wednesday

Please be sure that your polycart is facing the road and not being blocked so that the arm on the truck can pick it up easily. Polycarts should be ready for pickup by 7:00 a.m.

Trash charges

The charge for one 90 gallon polycart is $20.00 per month for residential customers and $28.10 per month for commercial customers. The charge will appear on your monthly water bill.

Additional residential polycarts are $10.00 per container. Additional commercial polycarts are $28.10. Please call the City to order additional polycarts if needed. Delivery usually takes 7-10 working days.

Bulk items

Bulk items will be picked up on Fridays but you must call first on the Thursday before by 4:00 p.m. to have your name added to the list of pick up requests for the next day. There is no charge for this service. The number to call for bulk item pick up requests is 1-877-592-5030.

Acceptable items include furniture, space heaters, air conditioners, washers, dryers, dishwashers, stoves, stereos, televisions, boxes and other packaging. Grass trimmings, leaves and debris must be bagged in 30-gallon bags or smaller.

Unacceptable items include refrigerators, freezers, a/c units that contain freon or other gaseous refrigerants unless the units has been tagged by a licensed professional certifying the freon has been evacuated. The tag must bear the name of the licensed professional and his state license number. Other unacceptable items are tires, batteries, liquid waste, regulated medical wastes, asbestos waste and radioactive waste.

Brush and tree limbs


Brush and tree limbs can be brought to the City’s water treatment plant for disposal at no cost. This is done by appointment only by calling (940) 427-5916 and proof of residency will be required when arriving at the plant. The City’s trash service provider, Waste Connections, will also pick up brush that is bundled and no longer than 4′ long. Please call and arrange a pickup with them at (877) 592-5030.


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